Material collection for Cinema 4D.
All of the materials are ready to be used, but if you wish, you have the flexibility to edit them very easily using the material editor. Depending on the size of your objects, the specific settings and the lighting, you can give the ideal look and achieve the perfect aesthetic for your project.

What's included:
• 50 materials designed specifically for primary objects.
• 13 extra color materials for backdrop objects.
• The studio scene shown on the samples, which includes a complete lighting setup, a backdrop, camera and an abstract object with a material applied already to it.
• A folder with all the texture images used on the materials.
• A folder with 18 sample renders.
• A document with information and instructions.
• A license document.
Zip file size: 450,4 MB
Software compatibility: Cinema 4D with default standard renderer.

Samples of some materials.

Attention! This product is exclusively designed for use with Cinema 4D only. In order to use the materials, you will need Cinema 4D with the built-in standard renderer.
No additional renderers are necessary. The materials are not compatible with Redshift, Octane, Arnold or any other renderer apart from the standard renderer.